Thank You All, Again!

Hey, everyone. Just wanted to give everyone a big thanks for being here. And specifically to a lot of the new people who pledged! I think we have about 20-30 new members shared between here, YT Members, and the Epoch Philosophy website!

Very incredibly kind of everyone to hear a pretty dismal call to action. Having to tap into an audience and ask for support is always tough.

I usually send out an individual thank you DM, but given the small influx of members, it would take hours to do so individually, so I will leave this here: thank you!

We're still not to a point of being sustainable with the current metrics on YouTube, but continued support will definitely grant some breathing room to where we can hopefully climb back!


What Is Philosophy? Deleuze and Guattari's Final Work

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Preview of the Next Video!

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Intro Into Erving Goffman: Presentation in Everyday Life

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Next Video?

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Overview of Deleuze and Guattari's What Is Philosophy?

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Massive, Record Drop in Viewers: Anyone Having Issues Viewing Our Videos?

So, I have some weird stuff going on. My channel's monthly views has  been slashed by nearly 2/3rds. Within a month span I've lost nearly  2/3rds of new viewers. Which, I don't think I've ever seen happen in my  entire time as a YouTuber? Even with videos that get flagged. Definitely  have had ebs and flows which are normal, but nothing like seeing over  half my views obliterated within a month time. I think that may be the  first I've seen. Further, on our newest Agamben video, I was told by  someone in the EU they needed a VPN in order to watch. I had another  person reach out on social media and say the same thing. Is anyone else  having this problem on my channel? I've had times where a video isn't  suitable for advertising, and views certainly always drop because of  that, but our video on Agamben is totally golden as far as advertising  or anything that may violate TOS. On the surface it's totally okay. Yet,  after I released the video, my recommendations for new viewers have plummeted. Again, NOTHING on my channel has been flagged as unsuitable for advertisers, nor anything against TOS. Which, is the first for me.

If anyone is having issues with my videos or they're being prompted that  it is region blocked, please do let me know! I appreciate anyone who is willing to go out of their way and check for me. Please let me know about any results you find.


Giorgio Agamben: Homo Sacer and State of Exception

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Foucault's Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison

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The Liminal Philosophy of Mark Fisher: The Weird and the Eerie

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