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$6 per month

You get to enjoy exclusive content from our exclusive videos/podcast where we go into more detail surrounding the theory behind our videos, all while you can exercise your right to vote on the next one. We will put some topics up for you, and you all can make your voice heard on what you want to see! This also includes access to our discord server where you can contact me directly, along with joining the community!

You guys are the real deal. Thank you so much for your support. It helps beyond measure.

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Name in Credits and Editing Tutorials!
$10 per month

Listen, you now get access to the beautifully robust credit screen at the end of the video. It's all about you. You also get access to editing techniques of mine on After Effects, Premiere, Photoshop, etc. and get to make requests on future tutorials on effects seen in my videos! All of this, plus all of the other benefits.

Seriously, thank you so much. You make this possible.

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$20 per month

You get a shoutout at the end of the videos. Get my very personal admiration in verbal form! Plus, feel free to reach out to me on discord at anytime!

Seriously. I couldn't possibly understate the level of support from this. I am forever in your service.

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10% Off Merchandise
$50 per month

Truly humbling. The fact this project means this much to you is truly amazing. I do not have the words to express this level of gratitude. You get all the perks, all the wonderful stuff and I love you a little more.

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10% Off Merchandise
$100 per month

WHAT?! Seriously?! I have no idea what to say. Literally. You are the most dedicated of dedicated, and your generosity is so enormous. Please, if there is anything I can do for you, let me know.

Thank you so, so much. I will probably cry because of this.

Free T-Shirt on Me!
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